Practically all, or at least a good part of the workers, have already been confused in relation to how the retirement request works and also what are the...
As a worker, you certainly know what retirement is about and also how it requires a bureaucratic process, don't you? Because all the...
Have you ever heard about LOAS? Do you even know how it works and who owns the right to it? Currently, the government provides...
Have you ever thought about participating in a public tender? They are one of the main and best ways for you to get a good job that offers...
Have you ever considered the possibility of participating in a public tender, whose “reward” is to work in one of the main financial institutions in the entire...
Have you ever considered the idea of participating in a selection process, in which you would win a good job vacancy, in...
Have you ever considered the idea of participating in a public tender, to win a good job vacancy, in which you will have access to...
The Brazilian citizen, as many people think, is entitled to several social programs developed and made available by the Brazilian government, however, not everyone uses them...
Even if you haven't traveled outside the country one day, surely you know that it is necessary to have a passport, don't you? The document intended...
Have you ever traveled, or dream of taking a trip abroad? One of the life goals of many people is this, however, one of the...